
The “Software” category includes the operating system, the browser, and the plug-ins used by your visitors to access your website. This allows you to optimize your site so that it is fully compatible with most configurations.

The information is structured as follows:

In the table “Operating System versions” you will find information about which operating system your visitors are using. Each individual version and distribution is listed separately.

In the “Configurations” table, you will see the most common visitor configurations. A configuration consists of the operating system, browser type, and screen resolution.

In the “Browser Plugins” table, you can see which extensions your visitors have enabled in their browser. This data can help you find the best method to deliver your content.

The table “Browser” contains data that provides information about the type of browser used by visitors.

The table “Browser engines” displays the browsers of your visitors, broken down by browser families. It is particularly important for you or your web developer to know which rendering engine is being used by your visitors. The labels contain the name of the engine and in parentheses the name of the most well-known browser that uses this engine.