Trustlytics Support Center > Settings > Tracking-Code > How to insert the tracking code of Trustlytics on WordPress

How to insert the tracking code of Trustlytics on WordPress

At this point, we would like to show you how to integrate the tracking code from Trustlytics into your WordPress page.

JavaScript Tracking code

Tracking using an image

JavaScript Tracking code

Log in to your WordPress installation and select the “Appearance” menu item on the left side. Then click on “Theme File Editor”.

Now you are in the “Edit themes” section. Go all the way to the right and look for the file named “header.php” (in parentheses) under “Theme files”. Once you have found it, click on it.

In the main window, you can now see the HTML code of the header.php file. Navigate to the closing </head> tag in the file.

Now take the JavaScript tracking code from Trustlytics, as described in the introduction, and insert it before the closing </head> tag.

Then press the “Update File” button.

Congratulations! You have successfully integrated the tracking code from Trustlytics into your WordPress website. From now on, Trustlytics will measure the visitors to your website.

Tracking using an image

Log in to your WordPress installation and select the “Appearance” menu item on the left side. Then click on “Theme File Editor”.

Now you are in the “Edit themes” section. Go all the way to the right and look for the file named “header.php” (in parentheses) under “Theme files”. Once you have found it, click on it.

In the main window, you can now see the HTML code of the header.php file. Navigate to the opening <body> tag in the file.

Now take the tracking code using an image from Trustlytics, as described in the introduction, and insert it after the opening <body> tag.

Then press the “Update File” button.

Congratulations! You have successfully integrated the tracking code from Trustlytics into your WordPress website. From now on, Trustlytics will measure the visitors to your website.