Trustlytics Support Center > Settings > Tracking-Code > How to insert the tracking code from Trustlytics into Wix

How to insert the tracking code from Trustlytics into Wix

At this point, we would like to show you how to integrate the tracking code from Trustlytics into your Wix page.

JavaScript Tracking code

Tracking using an image

JavaScript Tracking code

Sign up for Wix and select the website where you want to place the Trustlytics tracking code.

Go to the left side and select the menu item “Settings” now.

In the main window on the right side, you will now find numerous options to choose from. Scroll down to the “Advanced” section. Click on the “Custom code” option there.

The options for custom code are now displayed. Then click on “Add Code” in the Head area.

A window appears where the code can be added. Make sure you are in the “Code Settings” section.

Now take the JavaScript tracking code from Trustlytics, as described in the introduction, and paste it into the first field “Paste the code snippet here:”.

Afterward, you have the option to optionally assign a name. To achieve improved clarity, we recommend that you take advantage of this option and, for example, enter the name Trustlytics.

Now you need to inform Wix on which pages you want to place the tracking code. It is strongly recommended to insert the code on all your pages. Therefore, select the option “All Pages” and then activate the sub-option “Load code on each new page”.

At the end of this window, you must definitely select the “Head” option under “Place Code in”. It is mandatory! Please do not select any other option, as otherwise tracking in Trustlytics will not work.

Please do not press “Apply”, but instead scroll up and select the “Code Type” section.

A window will open where you need to specify how Wix should handle the tracking code. Since Trustlytics does not use cookies, it is not necessary to obtain permission from visitors to your website in order to use the tracking code. For this reason, in the window, select the first option, “Essential”. Then click “Apply” at the bottom.

You will now be redirected to the overview of the custom code. In the Head, you will see that the tracking code has been successfully created. Check if you also see the information “Applied on: All pages” and “Code type: Essential”. If this is the case, you have done everything correctly. If not, repeat the steps again and follow our instructions exactly.

Please ensure whether the tracking code is enabled or not. If the activation button is pointing to the left and is white, it means that the tracking code has not been activated yet. In this case, please click on the activation button.

Once you have pressed the activation button, or it was already activated, it is located on the right side and is marked by a blue checkmark.

Congratulations! You have successfully integrated the tracking code from Trustlytics into your website on Wix. From now on, Trustlytics will measure the visitors to your website.

Important: To use a custom code in Wix, you need a premium subscription from Wix.

Tracking using an image

Sign up for Wix and select the website where you want to place the Trustlytics tracking code.

Go to the left side and select the menu item “Settings” now.

In the main window on the right side, you will now find numerous options to choose from. Scroll down to the “Advanced” section. Click on the “Custom code” option there.

The options for custom code are now displayed. Then click on “Add Code” in the Body — Start section.

A window appears where the code can be added. Make sure you are in the “Code Settings” section.

Now take the tracking code using an image from Trustlytics, as described in the introduction, and paste it into the first field “Paste the code snippet here:”.

Afterward, you have the option to optionally assign a name. To achieve improved clarity, we recommend that you take advantage of this option and, for example, enter the name Trustlytics.

Now you need to inform Wix on which pages you want to place the tracking code. It is strongly recommended to insert the code on all your pages. Therefore, select the option “All Pages” and then activate the sub-option “Load code on each new page”.

At the end of this window, you must definitely select the option “Body—start” under “Place Code in”. It is absolutely necessary! Please do not choose any other option, as otherwise tracking in Trustlytics will not work.

Please do not press “Apply”, but instead scroll up and select the “Code Type” section.

A window will open where you need to specify how Wix should handle the tracking code. Since Trustlytics does not use cookies, it is not necessary to obtain permission from visitors to your website in order to use the tracking code. For this reason, in the window, select the first option, “Essential”. Then click “Apply” at the bottom.

You will now be redirected to the overview of the custom code. In the Body—start, you will see that the tracking code has been successfully created. Check if you also see the information “Applied on: All pages” and “Code type: Essential”. If this is the case, you have done everything correctly. If not, repeat the steps again and follow our instructions exactly.

Please ensure whether the tracking code is enabled or not. If the activation button is pointing to the left and is white, it means that the tracking code has not been activated yet. In this case, please click on the activation button.

Once you have pressed the activation button or it was already activated, it is located on the right side and is marked by a blue checkmark.

Congratulations! You have successfully integrated the tracking code from Trustlytics into your website on Wix. From now on, Trustlytics will measure the visitors to your website.

Important: To use a custom code in Wix, you need a premium subscription from Wix.