Trustlytics Support Center > Settings > Tracking-Code > Introduction Tracking code

Introduction Tracking code

There are two different methods to track visitors to your website. The preferred way to do this is by using JavaScript. To implement this method, you need to make sure that the corresponding JavaScript code is included on every page of your website.

If you do not want JavaScript to be used to track your visitors, you can instead integrate a pixel. You can find detailed instructions on how to do this below..

JavaScript Tracking code

Once you have successfully logged into Trustlytics and the dashboard is displayed, please go to the top-right corner of the screen and click on the icon with the gear. This symbol represents the settings function.

Go to the left side and select the menu item “Tracking Code”.

You now have the tracking code for JavaScript in front of you. Please copy this.

Place the code on every page of your website now. We recommend placing it directly before the closing </head> tag.

If you don't know how to do it, simply return to the Support Center and look for your website software in the tracking code overview. There you will find a detailed explanation of how to insert the tracking code.

Tracking using an image

Once you have successfully logged into Trustlytics and the dashboard is displayed, please go to the top-right corner of the screen and click on the icon with the gear. This symbol represents the settings function.

Go to the left side and select the menu item “Tracking Code”.

Please scroll down a bit to get to the section on tracking using an image. You now have the link for tracking using an image in front of you. Please copy this.

Place the code on every page of your website now. We recommend placing it right after the opening <body> tag.

If you don't know how to do it, simply return to the Support Center and look for your website software in the tracking code overview. There you will find a detailed explanation of how to insert the tracking code.

Important: If you have set goals and used tracking with an image, tracking of your goals does not happen automatically. So, if you have set goals, a checkbox “Track a goal” will be displayed above the code.

Check the checkbox. Since tracking with an image can only have one goal, you must select a goal one by one. Select the first goal in the “None” field. It is optional to assign a value to the goal.

After you have completed this task, the code below will be automatically updated. Copy it and replace it on your website with the old code where you want to achieve the goal.

Repeat this for each goal.

Here you will find more information about the goals.