Trustlytics Support Center > First steps > No information about the number of visitors is displayed

No information about the number of visitors is displayed

There are 2 reasons why you are not seeing any information about the visitors to your website after integrating the tracking code:

Faulty integration of the tracking code

Have you already performed the “Checking the functionality”? Did an orange dot appear during the process? If not, we kindly ask you to complete the “Checking the functionality” until an orange dot is visible.

If you saw an orange dot during the “Checking the functionality”, then go to the second reason.

The data about the visitors is being generated

You have noticed that the dashboard is still empty and other menu items under “Visitors” and “Behavior” do not contain any data.

Don't worry, that's normal. You are only seeing the real-time visits immediately and live. All other data will only be available in Trustlytics 24 hours later. This means that you can see today's visitors in all details tomorrow.

If you find that you cannot see any information in Trustlytics, even though the tracking code has been correctly integrated and more than 24 hours have passed, we ask you to contact us.