Site Search

The “Site Search” section provides information about the search terms visitors use when searching on your website. It also indicates which pages users go to after their search and which search terms do not yield any results. This report can give you clues about what content may be missing by showing what your visitors are searching for and may not be able to find easily.

The information is structured as follows:

Site Search Keywords

The table “Site Search Keywords” lists the search terms that visitors have searched for in the internal search. Analyzing the search terms from the internal search helps to understand what your target audience is looking for. This can lead to new ideas for content or products, and existing content can be adapted to the language of the visitors.

Search Keywords with No Results

The table “Search Keywords with No Results” lists the search terms for which no results were found. Perhaps these terms could be integrated into existing pages to make it easier for visitors to find the content they are looking for?

Pages Following a Site Search

The table “Pages Following a Site Search” shows which pages were most frequently visited from search results. When visitors use the internal search, they are usually looking for a specific page or content. In other words, these are the pages that visitors most commonly searched for after already being on the website. To navigate through the information, please use the plus and minus symbols on the left side.

Trustlytics is able to automatically analyze your internal search when your search term contains the URL parameters “q, query, s, search, searchword, or k”.

If you are using a different parameter, we kindly ask you to switch it to one of the parameters mentioned above. If this is not possible, please contact us.