
In the “Performance” section, you can determine how fast your website is overall and whether certain pages significantly deviate from this average. Detailed reports are also displayed, showing how long each page on your website takes to load and which part contributes to the loading time.

The information is structured as follows:

Evolution of page performance metrics

In the “Evolution of page performance metrics” section, a bar chart is displayed that provides an overview of your website's overall performance during the selected time period. It also tracks the changes in these metrics over time. This allows you to prevent longer loading times and identify potential issues early on.

The bar chart provides you with data on the following performance values:

Avg. network time

The average duration (in seconds) to establish a connection to the server, including the time for DNS lookup and establishing a TCP connection. It is possible that this value is 0 after the first request to a domain if the browser retrieves the connection from the cache.

Avg. server time

The average duration (in seconds) to establish a connection to the server, including the time for DNS lookup and establishing a TCP connection. It is possible that this value is 0 after the first request to a domain if the browser retrieves the connection from the cache.

Avg. transfer time

The average duration (in seconds) it takes for the browser to receive and download the server's response. This time period starts from the receipt of the first byte and ends with the complete response.

Avg. DOM processing time

The average loading time (in seconds) of the webpage after the complete response was received and before the user could interact with the page.

Avg. DOM completion time

The average duration (in seconds) that the browser took to load media and execute JavaScript code while waiting for the DOMContentLoaded event. This happened after the web page was fully loaded, and the user was already able to interact with it.

Avg. on load time

The average duration (in seconds) that the browser takes to execute the JavaScript code and wait for the window.load event, which is triggered once after the complete rendering of the DOM.

Performance overview

In the “Performance overview” section, you can find a summary of your key performance indicators in the form of sparklines. Here, these metrics represent the average of all pages within the selected time period.

Page URLs

In the “Page URLs” section, you will find the URLs of the visited pages along with their performance metrics. The table is hierarchically structured and displays the URLs in the form of a folder structure. Use the plus and minus symbols on the left side to navigate.

Page titles

In the “Page titles” section, you will find the page titles of the visited pages, as well as their performance metrics. The table is hierarchically structured and displays the URLs in the form of a folder structure. Use the plus and minus symbols on the left side to navigate.