
In the “Engagemens” section, you will find reports that can help you measure how many visitors your page has. Additionally, you will receive information about the average time and number of pages per visit. These data can help you maximize your reach.

The information is structured as follows:

The graph “Returning Visits Over Time” will always have a value of 0 because Trustlytics uses no cookies and therefore does not recognize recurring visitors.

On the right side of the “Frequency Overview” graph, you can see how many visitors visited your website during the time period currently set in the Trustlytics dashboard. In addition, you will be provided with information about the length of stay and other details.

The table “Visits per visit duration” provides information about the number of visits with different total durations. At the beginning, the report is presented in the form of a tag cloud, with longer total durations highlighted by larger font sizes.

Important: The report can not only be displayed as a tag cloud. You have the option to change the view using the controls in the footer.

The table “Visits per number of pages” provides information about the number of visits with different page views. At the beginning, the report is presented in the form of a tag cloud, with more frequent page views highlighted by larger font sizes.

Important: The report can not only be displayed as a tag cloud. You have the option to change the view using the controls in the footer.

The information in the tables “Visits by visit number” and “Visits by days since last visit” is not available because Trustlytics uses no cookies and therefore cannot identify recurring visitors.