
In the “Contents” section, it is possible to measure the effectiveness of certain content on your website and determine how often visitors have seen and actually interacted with items such as an advertisement or a banner. These two aspects are referred to as content impressions and content interactions. By comparing these metrics, an interaction rate can be determined.

This function is not limited to ads or banners and can help you find the best placements and variations for all your content. Once a page is loaded, Trustlytics captures a content impression of the content block for each visible content part shown to the visitor. A content block consists of a content name, a content part, and a content goal. When a visitor clicks on a content block, we log the interaction with the content so that you can analyze the ratio of impressions to interactions. If a visitor continues to scroll down and sees more ads/banners/blocks, we automatically capture the impression for each block.

Configuration of content

Evaluation of content

Get valuable insights about the content of your website and improve it using the content report

Configuration of content

Content tracking is only possible if you use the JavaScript tracking code. You need to insert the following additional code into your existing JavaScript tracking code on your website:


The code above must be inserted directly below the line _paq.push(['trackPageView']); in the JavaScript tracking code. After insertion, it should look like this:



For example, with an entire website:

Once you are done, you need to insert the markup code into the relevant area of your website to track the content.

Assuming you run a blog and want to write a post comparing three different mobile phones. Since you are a partner company of Company XY, which sells these mobile phones, you include links to the respective product pages of Company XY in your comparison texts.

Now, you need to insert the following markup code into your blog post:





Attention: The capitalized words serve as placeholders that you can replace for your own purposes.

To make it easier for you to understand, we will provide an example followed by the complete webpage:

A block with content has the following code (simplified representation):

<div data-track-content data-content-name="Mobilephone1">

<p data-content-piece="Mobilephone1">Here is the text for Mobilephone 1</p>

<button data-content-target="">

<a href="">Buy mobile phone 1 now</a>



As soon as the visitor perceives this article, Trustlytics recognizes it and registers an impression of the content. If the visitor clicks on the button, Trustlytics also counts an interaction with the content.

The entire blog post contains the following code (simplified representation):

There are different scenarios that can now occur:

1. A visitor comes to the blog post and reads it completely, but does not click on anything. Trustlytics records one content impression each for Content Mobile Phone 1, Content Mobile Phone 2, and Content Mobile Phone 3.

2. A visitor comes to the blog post and reads up to the content, Mobile Phone 2. Then, he clicks on the link for the content Mobile Phone 2. Trustlytics counts one content impression for content Mobile Phone 1 and content Mobile Phone 2, as well as one content interaction for content Mobile Phone 2. However, no content impression is counted for content Mobile Phone 3.

In this simple analysis in Trustlytics, the result would look as follows:

Content Mobile Phone 1 → 2 Impressions → 0 Content Interactions → 0% Interaction Rate

Content Mobile Phone 2 → 2 Impressions → 1 Content Interaction → 50% Interaction Rate

Content Mobile Phone 3 → 1 Impressions → 0 Content Interactions → 0% Interaction Rate

The detailed illustrations and explanations can be found further down in the section «Evaluation of content».

Here we have just one example of countless possible applications. There is the option to track all the content of your website—there are no limits to your creativity.

Evaluation of content

Using the “Contents” section, you can see how popular specific content is on each page of your website. This section shows you the number of views and interactions with different parts of your content.

In the table “Content Name” you will find a list of the contents that were displayed to your visitors and with which they interacted.

You can view the content parts of the tracked content in the sub-tables of each row by using the plus and minus symbols on the left side.

In the table “Content Piece” you will find a list of the content parts that were displayed to your visitors and with which they interacted.

You can view the content names of the tracked content in the sub-tables of each row by using the plus and minus symbols on the left side.

Get valuable insights about the content of your website and improve it using the content report

Once you track the content on your website, it's time to start evaluating. There are different ways to do this. One option is to use the segmented visit log and take a closer look at how each visitor navigates through your website.

The segmented visit logs

This function proves to be helpful in obtaining extremely precise insights into the content of your website.

If you are interested, for example, in knowing what information a visitor has read in your blog post and what they did before and after, you can analyze individual users and see what actions they have taken. This way, you can focus on successful content or improve poorly performing content.

To view the segmented visit logs, navigate to the “Content Name” section and search for the desired content. When you hover over the title of the content, two symbols should appear. The first symbol is the “Segmented visit logs,” which allows you to view a log for each person who has viewed the respective content.

By clicking on this symbol, a pop-up window opens, displaying a summary of the session logs for each visitor who has viewed the selected content. Information is provided about impressions, interactions, and the duration of the visit.

Such data can help you understand which content is successful and which is not well-received. This allows you to further promote successful content or improve or remove low-quality content. If you want more insights into a specific user, you can click on “View visitor profile”.

You can use the segmented visit logs in the content names and content parts.

Row Evolution

The “Row Evolution” function is an alternative way to review content and analyze aggregated trends. This function is particularly useful when one does not want to deal with individual content but wants to gain a general understanding of how a certain content develops over time.

To view the Row Evolution, navigate to the “Content Name” section and search for the desired content. When you hover over the title of the content, two symbols should appear. The second symbol is the “Row Evolution” which allows you to view the content data and aggregated trends.

By clicking on this symbol, a pop-up window opens displaying an evolution chart showing the number of impressions over time, broken down by the period currently set in the Trustlytics dashboard.

A vivid example of applying this perspective is when creating multiple blog posts on a similar topic. This can help determine which of the posts not only gets clicked on but also actually gets read, and which posts perform better.

You can use Row Evolution in the content names and content parts.