Profile management

In the profile management, you have the option to change your password, enable or disable two-factor authentication, and request your personal data from us. Additionally, you can delete your Trustlytics account (please do not confuse it with the Trustlytics subscription).

Log in to your Trustlytics account.

Then navigate to the upper-right area where your name is displayed and click on it. This will open a menu. Select the option “Profile management” there.

Now you are in the profile management, where you can perform the following actions:

Chance password

Two-factor authentication

Personal data

Delete account

Chance password

Enter your current password in the field “Your current password” with which you log in to the Trustlytics dashboard. Enter a new password in the field “Your new password” and repeat it again in the field “Enter your new password again”.

Press the “Save” button to complete.

Important: To ensure optimal protection, it is important to use a password with a random combination of letters and numbers. The longer the password, the more secure your data is protected.

Two-factor authentication

By using two-factor authentication, you increase the security when logging into your account.

To use two-factor authentication, simply press the “Enable” button.

A pop-up window will appear, in which you need to enter your current password for security reasons. Please enter it there and then click on the “Confirm” button.

To set up two-factor authentication, you only need your smartphone and a special authentication app (Microsoft Authenticator or Google Authenticator). Simply scan the QR code with the authentication app and then follow the instructions on your phone. Once the setup is completed on your phone, you will be shown a generated code that you can enter at the bottom of this page.

Press the “Confirm” button to complete.

If you have completed all the steps correctly, you will receive the following notification:

From now on, you must enter a secure and random code when logging into Trustlytics. You can retrieve this code on your phone through apps like Microsoft Authenticator or Google Authenticator. This security measure ensures a higher level of data protection and protection against unauthorized access to your account.

If you no longer want to use two-factor authentication, you can simply click on the “Disable” button in the settings of two-factor authentication.

From now on, two-factor authentication is turned off and no code is required to log in to Trustlytics.

Personal data

There is the possibility to request your personal data that has been stored by Trustlytics.

To request your personal data stored at Trustlytics, simply click on the “Request data” button.

Within a few minutes, you will then receive an email from Trustlytics with your data.

Delete account

If you no longer have a Trustlytics subscription and no longer need your Trustlytics account, you have the option to delete the account and all your data here.

If you have an active Trustlytics subscription, it is not possible to remove your account. Instead, you will only see the following notification:

If you no longer have an active Trustlytics subscription and do not use the account, you have the option to delete your Trustlytics account along with all data (including invoices).

Important: Before deleting your account, make sure you have already downloaded all the important files. Once the deletion is complete, your data and resources cannot be recovered.

Press the “Delete account” button.

A pop-up window will appear, in which you need to enter your current password for security reasons. Please enter it there and then click on the “Delete account” button.

All your data will be deleted, and you will be automatically logged out of Trustlytics.