Cancel contract

We want to ensure that the termination of Trustlytics is as smooth as possible for you if you no longer have any use for it. Here, we explain to you how you can do this easily and uncomplicatedly.

Important: To cancel your subscription, you must exclusively use the following method. Please note that we cannot accept written cancellations by mail or email, as the subscription was made through and can only be canceled through this function!

Log in to your Trustlytics account.

Then navigate to the upper-right area where your name is displayed and click on it. This will open a menu. Select the option “Billing management” there.

Go to the “End subscription” section and please click on the “End subscription” button.

A pop-up window appears, in which you will be asked again for user-friendliness whether you want to cancel your subscription. Click on the “Yes” button.

You are already done with that! You now see the confirmation that your cancellation is valid. Of course, you will still have access until the end of the current term of your subscription.

Once the duration of your subscription ends, you will only have the option to sign up for a new subscription.

Important: Please note that after the expiration of the subscription period, all analysis data of your website will be deleted in Trustlytics and you will no longer have access to it.