Trustlytics Support Center > Acquisition > Search Engines & Keywords

Search Engines & Keywords

With the “Search Engines & Keywords” section, you will receive support in analyzing your search engine optimization and performance. Through the “Keywords” table, you can analyze your most frequently used search terms. With the “Search Engines” table, you can find out how well specific search terms work on specific search engines. This allows you to perform targeted analyzes and make optimizations.

The information is structured as follows:


In the table “Keywords”, you will find information about which search terms were used by visitors in search engines before they arrived at your website.

If you click on a row in the table, you will see the distribution of the different search engines where the term was searched.

Note: In the “Keywords” table, most search terms are listed as “not defined” because the exact search words used in the search engine are not displayed by most search engines.

Search Engines

In the “Search Engines” table, you can see which search engines have directed visitors to the website.

If you click on a row in the table, you will see the search terms that visitors have searched for.