Trustlytics Support Center > Acquisition > Campaign URL Builder

Campaign URL Builder

Enter the complete URL of the webpage you want to track with your campaign in the “Page URL” field. For example:

Please enter a name in the “Campaign Name parameter” field. Choose a name that describes the goal and purpose of your campaign and differentiates it from other campaigns. For example, you can use “DownloadBrochure” or simply "Brochure".

Important: You have surely noticed that the name “DownloadBrochure” is written together. This parameter does not accept spaces. However, if you do not want a word written together, you can use the character “-” (Download-Brochure) or “_” (Download_Brochure). If you still do not want to do without a space, you must use the character “%20” (Download%20Brochure). This will generate the campaign “Download Brochure” in Trustlytics.

It doesn't matter which method you choose, but it is of great importance that you remain consistent. Otherwise, you will find that the traffic is distributed among different variations of the same campaign, making accurate reporting difficult.

Please click on the “Generate URL” button now. Then, copy the generated URL from the field below and use it wherever your campaign is being conducted, such as in an email, on social media, or on other websites.

Important: It is important that you actually use the tracking URL in your campaigns. It is not enough to simply generate the link — it will only be useful if people actively click on it. Therefore, you must ensure that the tracking URL is integrated into your digital marketing campaigns.

You can optionally use the “Campaign Keyword parameter” field. If you have multiple campaigns with the same name, you can differentiate them using a specific keyword or subcategory.

For example, if you are using the tracking URL on Facebook and LinkedIn, first create the tracking code for Facebook and enter the term “Facebook” in the “Campaign Keyword parameter” field. Then repeat this process for LinkedIn and enter the term “LinkedIn” in the corresponding field.

So you will receive 2 different tracking URLs. Use the one for Facebook on Facebook and the one for LinkedIn on LinkedIn:

In addition, there are 3 more parameters available that you can use in your tracking URL. These are not included in the Campaign URL Builder, as the existing three parameters are essentially sufficient.

People with advanced knowledge can use the following parameters to manually insert them into the tracking URL:


Specifies what the source of the traffic is.


Specifies which medium is used.


Specifies with which elements the visitor interacted.

Let's make an example: Suppose you want to create a tracking URL for your landing page where prospects can download your brochure. You then will use this URL in your next newsletter.

You have already created the tracking URL, and it looks as follows:

You could now use the Campaign Keyword parameter, but you may want to get more precise information and not just know that the click is from the newsletter.

For this reason, we are creating the extension part for the tracking URL:

The newsletter is the source of the traffic that is sent via the email medium. The newsletter contains two different buttons (content) that link to the website. One button is located in the middle of the text and one at the end of the text. In our example, we are using the button in the middle of the text. It would also be possible to create a second tracking URL for the button at the end of the text.

So we have the following information for the expansion part:

mtm_source: newsletter

mtm_medium: email

mtm_content: button-middle

Based on this information, we will create the extension part:


Now we just need to add the extension part to the tracking URL, and then it's complete:

You can now integrate this tracking URL into your digital marketing campaigns and receive even more detailed information.

Important: Only use campaign values that are required.

Security: It is important to consider that all values of a campaign are visible to the end user. This means that visitors to your website can perceive these values. Therefore, you should make sure to only select values that should be publicly accessible and avoid personal data or identifiable information in your URLs.