Trustlytics compared to Google Analytics: Why data protection is crucial in the analytics comparison

Trustlytics compared to Google Analytics
Trustlytics is a privacy-friendly and fully compliant platform for web analytics

To succeed in today's digital landscape, it's critical to understand exactly how your website is performing. Many have previously used web analytics tools such as Google Analytics; however, there are now growing concerns about data privacy and the complexity of data protection laws. As a result, more and more people are looking for alternatives. That's where Trustlytics comes in: a privacy-friendly and fully compliant web analytics platform that gives you full control over your data. Compared to Google Analytics, Trustlytics is thus a far better choice!

Data protection is a fundamental right; don't let someone take it away from you!

One of the most glaring issues with Google Analytics is its handling of privacy. While it offers a number of features, it is not able to provide complete privacy protection for your website visitors. Trustlytics, on the other hand, was designed with privacy as its cornerstone. It is designed to comply with the strictest data protection laws, including FADP, GDPR, CCPA, PECR, PIPL, and LGPD. By using Trustlytics, you ensure that your valuable information remains private and that your website respects the privacy of your visitors.

Trustlytics was designed with privacy as its cornerstone
Trustlytics completely eliminates this problem by offering tracking without cookies

No cookies, no consent, no hassle

To use Google Analytics, you need your website visitor's consent to tracking through cookies. This not only complicates the user experience or even annoys your website visitor, but it also puts you at risk of not complying with privacy laws. Trustlytics completely eliminates this problem by offering tracking without cookies. This means that you can analyze the performance of your website without having to ask for the visitor's consent. This makes the visit to your website seamless and legally compliant—without any complications!

100% data ownership: your data, your rules

When you use Google Analytics, your data is stored on their servers, which raises questions about ownership and control of your data. With Trustlytics, there is an alternative for those who want to retain ownership and control of their data. With this solution, you are 100% the owner of your collected information and can rest assured that it belongs exclusively to you and only you. Since Trustlytics is hosted in Europe, it provides an additional layer of data protection, making it particularly suitable for individuals or companies from Switzerland and Europe, or any person or organization concerned about data sovereignty.

Trustlytics is the alternative for those who want to retain ownership and control of their data
Trustlytics provides a secure and anonymous analysis

Anonymous analysis: respect the privacy of your visitors

While Google Analytics tracks visitors across different websites and sessions, Trustlytics provides secure and anonymous analysis. This strengthens privacy because you're not “tracking” visitors across multiple days or websites. Your visitors are more than just data points; they are individuals who deserve respect and privacy. Trustlytics addresses this by providing powerful yet privacy-friendly analytics.

Why Trustlytics is the clear winner

Trustlytics offers a premium alternative to Google Analytics that focuses on privacy, making it the preferred choice of every privacy-conscious individual and business. Through Trustlytics, you can not only have your website analyzed but also ensure that your visitors' data is protected.

So if you're still on the fence about whether to choose Trustlytics, consider this: in a time when data privacy is playing an increasingly important role, can you afford to compromise? Switch to Trustlytics today and take control of your data and your website.

Trustlytics is the clear winner

Comparison table: Trustlytics vs. Google Analytics

Per­form­ance feat­ures


Google Analytics

Data protect­ion

Trustlytics is a smart choice

Designed with data protection as the cornerstone. Compliant with FADP, GDPR, CCPA, PECR, PIPL and LGPD.

With Google Analytics legal uncertainty

Data protection is not fully ensured.

Cookies usage

Trustlytics is a smart choice

No cookies are used, so the user's consent is not required.

With Google Analytics legal uncertainty

Uses cookies, which requires user consent and makes compliance difficult.

Owner­ship of the data

Trustlytics is a smart choice

One hundred percent (100%) data owner­ship and the data is stored within the EU.

With Google Analytics legal uncertainty

The data is stored on Google's servers, which raises questions about ownership and control.

Visitor tracking

Trustlytics is a smart choice

Provides secure and anonymous analysis without “tracking” visitors.

With Google Analytics legal uncertainty

Tracks visitors across different websites and sessions.

Compli­ance with laws

Trustlytics is a smart choice

Designed to comply with the strictest data protection laws.


Trustlytics is a smart choice

Seamless and legally compliant, without the visitor's consent to tracking.

With Google Analytics legal uncertainty

Complicated user experience due to consent required.

Data sover­eignty

Trustlytics is a smart choice

The data is hosted within the EU and provides an additional layer of data protection.

With Google Analytics legal uncertainty

Data sove­reignty is unclear due to hosting on Google's servers.


Trustlytics is a smart choiceTrustlytics is a smart choice

A wide range of features and an approach that prioritizes visitor privacy.

With Google Analytics legal uncertainty

A wide range of features, but the focus is not on privacy.

Overall rating

Trustlytics is a smart choice

The first choice for every privacy-conscious individual and company.

With Google Analytics legal uncertainty

It lacks the privacy and data ownership features that are becoming increasingly important.

When you choose Trustlytics, you choose legal certainty, data ownership, and the utmost respect for privacy. Make the smart choice today.