Why free nevertheless costs something

In today's digital world, data is the new gold, and it is crucial for every individual or company to understand the analysis of their website. Many have opted for Google Analytics; it is free, widely used, and relatively easy to set up. However, this story has more to offer than meets the eye. It may be time to reconsider the use of Google Analytics.

The illusion of "Free"

The first thing most people hear about Google Analytics is that it's free. While that may be true at first glance, you're actually paying with a more valuable currency than money: data. Google uses the information collected from your website to optimize its advertising algorithms and much more. In practice, the data collection from your website becomes part of Google's extensive source of information, which they use in various ways to generate profits.

Privacy concerns

With the increasing global awareness of data protection, laws such as the GDPR in Europe and the FADP in Switzerland have been created to protect consumers. Google Analytics collects a large amount of user data, which puts both you and your visitors in a precarious legal situation. This data collection can make it difficult to comply with privacy regulations. The legal requirements for the protection of personal data are constantly evolving. If you use Google Analytics, you must inform your visitors about the tracking cookies used, which may require complex compliance measures. Non-compliance can result in high fines, and let's be honest: most small and medium-sized businesses do not have an army of lawyers to navigate these complex waters.

Time to change?

Given the hidden costs and potential legal issues, it may be wise to search for alternatives. This is where Trustlytics comes into play. Unlike traditional website analytics tools that can compromise user privacy, Trustlytics offers robust analysis and prioritizes user privacy. It has been developed with consideration for data protection laws, thus reducing the legal risks associated with data collection. In a world where trust is of the utmost importance, Trustlytics ensures the protection of user privacy without sacrificing valuable insights.


At first glance, Google Analytics seems to be the obvious choice for understanding the performance of your website. However, hidden costs and potential legal complications make it a riskier option than many assume. In a time when consumer trust and data privacy are more important than ever, it is worth considering alternatives like Trustlytics. Trustlytics offers robust insights without the baggage.