The best tricks and exciting insights into web analytics

Trustlytics Blog

Introduction to Web Analytics: a comprehensive guide for beginners—Part 1

Introduction to Web Analytics: a comprehensive guide for beginners—Part 1

April 29, 2024

Web analytics is of great importance for every website operator. This area of digital analytics helps you understand how visitors interact with your website and provides the tools to effectively adjust marketing and content strategies. Whether it's an e-commerce, an information portal, a company website, or a personal blog, web analytics provides the necessary data to achieve your goals.

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Universal Analytics is shutting down for good — what should you do?

Universal Analytics is shutting down for good — what should you do?

April 13, 2024

The paid service Universal Analytics 360 will be discontinued on July 1, 2024. Google says you need to switch to Google Analytics 4, or GA4. But do you really have to? No, with Trustlytics you get a Google Analytics alternative that operates without cookies, featuring precise privacy controls and innovative capabilities for your business, website, or WordPress site. It’s time for a change — discover new possibilities away from Google!

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Farewell Google Analytics: With Trustlytics, web analysis becomes child's play!

Farewell Google Analytics: With Trustlytics, web analysis becomes child's play!

March 4, 2024

In today's digital world, understanding how visitors interact with your website is crucial for success. Many of you have probably heard of Google Analytics or even tried to use it, but may be overwhelmed by the complexity and amount of data it provides. Trustlytics offers a clear alternative — a web analytics solution that promises simplicity and clarity. So why is Trustlytics the better choice for small and medium-sized business owners and private website operators who are not experts in web analytics?

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Why free nevertheless costs something

Why free nevertheless costs something

February 15, 2024

In today's digital world, data is the new gold, and it is crucial for every individual or company to understand the analysis of their website. Many have opted for Google Analytics; it is free, widely used, and relatively easy to set up. However, this story has more to offer than meets the eye. It may be time to reconsider the use of Google Analytics.

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